Monthly Archives: May, 2013

My Daughter’s Poem

This year, I celebrated Mothers Day three times. The first, on the actual day, 12 May, with breakfast prepared by my husband, Mass at our parish, lunch out and a movie with my family (We watched The Croods on 3D — a wholesome movie about family and changes — a rare treat as it has been …

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To Be Like You

To follow without question, I’ve always had a problem with that. I answer a query with another; all the why’s, hows, and whats. To live simply and not want more. I continuously struggle with. I keep dreaming, wishing, acquiring things; never seem to have enough. To be the wind so someone greater can fly, I’m …

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Faded Writings on the Wall

May not last forever, but they say it all

Pinoy Roots

discovering the joy of being Filipino (or part-Filipino!)

Another Espresso, Please

Why, yes, I did just have one, thanks... News

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